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Exploration of UFO/UAP Technology Bio Effects

/ UAP / UAP Technology Bio Effects

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UFO Technology Bio Effects

Based on historical UFO cases, humans have been found to have been injured from exposures to UFO craft, especially when they are in relatively close proximity to the UFO.


There are two notable UFO cases when a witness was physically injured.


The first case involves United States Airman John Burroughs, who was exposed to radiation during his UFO encounter in the Rendlesham Forest incident, secured the settlement after years of trying to prove his ill-health.​ A former Ministry of Defence official said the payout confirms what John Burroughs saw was real and had caused him actual physical harm.


The second case involves Jake Barber's allegations that he suffered permanent damage due to his exposure to UAPs. Dr. Gary Nolan has confirmed that Jake has suffered injuries.



The primary mechanisms of injury are related to electromagnetic radiation field effects.


The biophysical characteristics of the injuries are well understood.


Sufficient UFO incidents have been accurately reported, and medical data acquired, that is beyond doubt that UFOs can harm humans as a byproduct of their alien technology.


Among the most important patho-physiological effects are:


Heating and burn injuries:

* Ionizing and non-ionizing
* Thermally induced


Neurological effects:  

* Cognitive and central nervous system
* Neuromuscular / central & autonomic nervous systems
* Sensory / peripheral nervous system
* Neuropsychiatric / neuroendocrine


Auditory / Cranial nerves VII & VIII Effects:


* Communication & disabling effects

* Noise and central neurocognitive


Ross Coulthart speaks with world-renowned Stanford immunologist Dr. Garry Nolan to discuss what Nolan found while researching injuries for the CIA as well as whistleblower Jake Barber's allegations he suffered permanent damage due to exposure to UAPs.


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