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Writer's pictureBrian Done

Project Blue Book UFO Files

I just downloaded all of the thousands of UFO files contained inside Project Blue Book. This was a project conducted by the United States Air Force from March 1952 to December 17, 1969. The project was given the assignment to scientifically analyze UFO's and to determine if UFO's were a threat to the United States national security. There were over 12,000 reports that were collected and analyzed. The UFO pictured below is one of the cases that was analyzed during Project Blue Book of a UFO that was photographed in June 1947 near Phoenix, Arizona. As some of you might already have thought about, Phoenix, Arizona, has also had other UFO encounters since then, specifically the so-called Phoenix Lights UFO incident in 1997. Coming back to the UFO picture, what is it? We simply do not know. It appears to be a saucer-shaped craft with a point on the top, and a reflection of light emanating off one of the curved surfaces. However, more analysis is needed. Where was the photo taken? Who took it? What were the circumstances? A myriad of questions surround this photo alone, and it is worthy of detailed investigation. This is just one example.

June 1947 UFO near Phoenix, Arizona
June 1947 UFO near Phoenix, Arizona

When Project Blue Book ended in 1969, the United States Air Force concluded that most of the UFO sightings were misidentifications of clouds, stars, swamp gas, or actual aircraft, both commercial and classified, like the U-2 and A-12 spy planes. I will be thorough in my analysis of each sighting to determine for myself what the cause of the sighting may have been, given the amount of data available. I am aware that since these sightings have taken place many decades ago, it will be difficult to determine based on the limited reports contained within the project.

However, I am determined to analyze them fairly and critically to help provide a good faith analysis of the possibilities. I am now in the process of reviewing the details of each sighting from Project Blue Book, and will be uploading them to the Exo Solaria Union website as I am able to do so. I am extremely excited to review these sightings and see what information I can glean from them after all these years!

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