I have uploaded some more sightings from Project Blue Book that occurred in 1947 to the Exo Solaria Union website.
It was evident with the latest sightings that I have included from Project Blue Book, that we must be very careful with our interpretations with UFO sightings, not to claim that every UFO sighting could be an alien spacecraft. Many times, people see things in the sky that are unexplainable to them, but may have a very reasonable and logical explanation. These explanations can in reality include meteors, bright stars, bright planets, and atmospheric mirage effects. All of these are very real effects and must not be automatically discounted as possible explanations for some UFO sightings.

That being said, we must also not use natural explanations for UFO sightings as a crutch to dismiss real unexplained UFO sightings, that in reality, cannot be logically ascribed to natural explanations. We must be balanced in our approach to UFO sightings and use our critical thinking skills.
In addition, if we truly discover a UFO sighting is indeed mysterious and unexplained, then that sighting MUST be thoroughly investigated to determine whether there is the possibility of it being something more than natural, and therefore maybe even alien. However, we must still be cautious to label the sighting alien, unless we have sufficient evidence to claim it as such. Although, if sufficient evidence comes forth proving that a particular sighting is actually aliens, then we must come to terms with the truth of that reality. I am open-minded to all possibilities and interpretations for UFO sightings, but we must be objective and follow the data and evidence wherever it leads, not just follow our assumptions.