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Writer's pictureBrian Done

Critical Thinking Required with UFO Sightings

I just wanted to comment today with my thoughts about the drone situation in the UK and in the United States, as it relates to jumping to conclusions. The UFO research community must always be objective and use critical thinking skills when we hear about sensational sightings of something unknown, in this particular case unknown drones.

Simulated Image of Drones over New Jersey

If is perfectly fine to be excited about possibilities and get swept up in the news of the moment, but we must be extremely cautious that we do not immediately put an alien label on unexplained sightings. However, we must still be open to the possibility of aliens, after every other explanation fails, but we must not immediately assume that every unknown sighting of something strange always means aliens, and cover ups.

This has been a problem that has plagued UFO researchers throughout the years, that has hurt our credibility and made people not pay attention to our legitimate research. We must be laser focused on obtaining the facts, and following the data wherever it leads. If it leads to a mundane, natural, and logical explanation, then we must embrace that without automatically assuming a cover-up, unless the data leads us to a cover-up of course. We must use our critical thinking skills to assess UFO sightings and to reserve judgment until we have all of the available information to make an informed decision about what is going on with the situation.

In addition, even if we have all of the available information, that information by itself may not be enough to even come to a logical conclusion, and we must therefore, still reserve judgment until further data does become available, if ever.

In conclusion, we must stick to the facts that can be proven and documented. We cannot afford to go down the rabbit hole of conjecture and theories, and hold up our theories and ideas as fact, or secret knowledge. We need to bring UFO research out of obscurity, and consistently use critical thinking to objectively evaluate each case, and document it for the public.

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